The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Pine Tree Water Control District was held on Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at Parkland City Hall, 6600 University Drive, Parkland, Florida.


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            David Rosenof                                                  President

            Paul Brewer                                                     Secretary

            Donna Benckenstein                                         Assistant Secretary

            Mimi Bright Ribotsky                                        Assistant Secretary


            Also present were:


            John Petty                                                        Manager

            D.J. Doody                                                      Attorney

            Warren Craven                                                 Engineer

            Diane Yousefi                                                   HOA



FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Roll Call

            Mr. Petty called the meeting to order and called the roll


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Approval of the Minutes of the January 5, 2006 Meeting

            Mr. Rosenof stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the January 5, 2006 meeting and requested any corrections additions or deletions.

            Mr. Craven stated there are six references in the minutes indicating my responses were inaudible.  I had several operations on my mouth and there is no doubt my vocal situation is dim.  If at any time you do not understand what I say I will repeat it.

            Ms. Benckenstein stated perhaps we can put the tape recorder closer to Mr. Craven to make it easier for the transcriber to understand his comments.

            Mr. Petty stated we will make those adjustments to our recording system and will contact Mr. Craven for his input if there is a question.  At the next meeting we will bring better recording equipment and place speakers around the table.

            Ms. Benckenstein stated I did not make the statement in the seventh paragraph on page six.

            Mr. Rosenof stated it was made by the president of the HOA.


On MOTION by Ms. Ribotsky seconded by Ms. Benckenstein with all in favor the minutes of the January 5, 2006 meeting were approved as amended.



            Mr. Rosenof stated if the Board agrees, I want to add an item to the agenda to discuss future meeting locations and how to stream line the process.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Discussion of Butler Farms

            Mr. Petty stated a revised proposal from Butler Farms was brought to the Board at the last meeting for a straight forward drainage improvement of a secondary drainage feature.  The District Engineer had some issues and the Board had additional questions.  The Board had the opportunity to look at those sites.  Mr. Craven may wish to reissue his concerns but today we are asking for a continuation of the line item which is consideration of the latest revised proposal from Butler Farms.

            Mr. Rosenof asked is there a copy of the proposal?

            Mr. Petty responded at the last meeting there was an updated version belonging to these blueprints.  To summarize it is basically a proposal for a straight forward secondary drainage improvement.  The Board is responsible and currently practices on the primary drainage of Pine Tree Water Control District.  We have the ability to take requests from any entity wishing to advance their own drainage system and to petition the District to be the managers of the system and construct such system.  It has been a standard policy for water improvement districts and other such special entities to consider those and if appropriate to do so under a special taxing area for that benefit.  This is a secondary drainage feature they are having difficulty maintaining.  They are not in the drainage business and have not been able to enforce control over the area and maintain it in a fashion that is reliable.  They have come to the District with the understanding it is in this business. If we do take it on, they will pay through special assessments.  We have advised them it will have to be done through the public hearing process with residents.  If the Board is satisfied the residents will be willing to pay, they can consider putting in the secondary drainage feature and maintaining it at the cost of that benefit area going through all the legal requirements of defining the area of special impacting to the other residents.  We asked the engineer to look at the area.  He was given the direction by the proposer that they would be comfortable with whatever he designed.  They showed a side schematic of the squall the exact way it was built in the beginning and left it up to our District engineer to say if it was an acceptable design.  In our case the easement is such our standard District requirements may not fit in an open squall design and we may have to look at piping such a structure.  If the engineer thinks it can be done without harming its other residents financially or in any other way the Board must consider whether it is setting a precedent of any other entity coming to the District with the same request.  If it does fit the design criteria the Board has the due diligence responsibility of the public hearing process and making sure the residents consider the proposal.  Once that is done and complete, management will come back with a public hearing schedule and making a special assessment within the District

            Ms. Ribotsky asked will the Board receive a presentation of the full financials and breakdown of costs before the public hearing?  The information should be presented to the Board first including legal agreements agreed to but not executed.  We need to have a general agreement of costs.

            Mr. Petty stated first the engineer evaluates the request and if there is no harm to the existing system he prepares an engineer’s report with a conservative cost estimate.  The Board will set a maximum amount of the assessment because you will be placing a lien on the property.  The report will include the allocation of administrative, legal and other costs internally to the specific benefit unit associated with the process.  If the Board approves the proposal today, there are a number of steps in the process which will take about six months before construction begins. 

            Mr. Doody stated historically this came as an outgrowth of some type of relationship between the District and the City of Coral Springs to address the problems in Butler Farms which originated because of code enforcement issues between the property owners and the City.  I request consensus from the Board because with Mr. Petty’s involvement it has taken a different turn.  The City dropped off, the special assessment approach is very feasible from a legal context and it is the Districts authority to do this.  A consensus that the Board is prepared to pursue this project in concept is requested.  I am going to exceed my budget for the year to begin the work Mr. Petty referenced.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated they are going to pay for your services.

            Mr. Doody stated the first step is to proceed.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated I propose we have a signed agreement to receive cost recovery up to the public hearing.  The legal and management costs will be significant and we should have a written agreement from the HOA acknowledging it is willing to go through the process.

            Mr. Ribotsky stated in all fairness we should give them a budget.

            Mr. Petty stated what we are looking for is the conceptual approval to move forward and then staff will recommend how to proceed.  They have offered in their proposal to pay any costs in advance.  We do not know what the scope of work will be and we will leave this open.  A certain amount of dollars can be put into an account in advance.  As the money is spent we go back to them with a minimal low level to get more funds.  There were objections raised by your engineer at the last meeting.  The Board members were to visit the site for a better understanding of the project.

            Mr. Brewer asked what happened to the City of Coral Springs?  Where did they go?

            Mr. Petty responded we met with the City of Coral Springs and Mr. Laystrom, who represents Butler Farms to talk about the existing proposal.  There are items which are not the responsibility of the District.  There are code enforcements, the removal of exotics and the enforcement of structures within the easement.  After discussions about what the District’s duties are and what we can handle without interlocal agreements with other agencies and where the efficiency of this redesign would be contingent upon, we came to the conclusion that the straight forward drainage request by them could be undertaken and the multi platform approach could not.  The City of Coral Springs staff is willing to do their part in their own way under their own powers without an interlocal agreement with the District.  Mr. Laystrom was able to refine his proposal to be a straight forward drainage improvement of a secondary drainage system.  The City of Coral Springs offered to be the bank but the District was still going to have to get assessments to recover same.  The District has the capabilities of raising these funds without utilizing the interlocal agreement with the City of Coral Springs and complicating the issue.  We can do this under our own abilities under the water control district establishment we have.

            Mr. Craven stated before we get too far down the road my primary concern is the status of the easement.  It belongs to the HOA and I would like this clarified from our attorney or Mr. Mason.  We do not have any legal access to get in and we need to get this clarified.  This should be accomplished before we move forward.  There is a 15 ft right of way which apparently belongs to the county and we need an agreement we can utilize this for access and work.  We also need an agreement from Florida Power & Light that we can work off of their right of way.  Until we get those I am reluctant to move forward.

            Mr. Rosenof stated we have the issue of cost recovery and preliminary activities which need to happen on site.  Would the appropriate motion be to move forward in concept with the two amendments?  One is we want a written agreement regarding costs coverage ahead of time and the other is research be undertaken by the HOA on our behalf.

            Ms. Benckenstein stated this was done at the last meeting.  A motion reads “On MOTION by Ms. Benckenstein seconded by Ms. Ribotsky with all in favor moving forward with the Butler Farms drainage project, the scope of the project being generally described in a letter from Mr. Laystrom dated December 15, 20005 with reasonable cost recovery from the applicant was approved.”

            Mr. Craven stated the letter did not describe the specific items I am addressing.

            Mr. Petty stated the intent was to continue the discussion process to consider the application which we are doing.  The point the engineer brought up is valid.  There is work to be done before the Board can say yes or no to the project in whole.  To find out the answers will cost money.  We can come back to the Board with a way the existing residents will not pay for this consideration.  It will be an agreement with the HOA to set up a minimum and maximum amount to start expenses and we will highlight projects as we uncover them to pull those monies out.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated I want to make sure it includes everything retroactive to date. 

            Mr. Doody stated what you are talking about is the due diligence for the feasibility of this project and while conceptually the legals are in place you now have physical characteristics out there.  There was representation those monies were going to be reimbursed to the District and they have not.  The first step is there has to be a complete understanding between the District and the HOA.  If we are going to address these feasibility issues, there is going to be reimbursement to the District.

            Ms. Yousefi stated I need numbers as soon as possible for the yearly budget.  We budgeted for higher than the normal dues for future reserves and we increased another amount so we will be able to entertain special assessments.  We do not know if the City or County are going to take care of the 15 foot easement and if they do not, we have a $450,000 loan available.  We based our budget potentially on this.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated probably $5,000 to $6,000 has been spent already.  Most HOAs have some reserve funds and if we get payment for what we have expended to date and then we set up an escrow account for the feasibility study I do not have a problem.

            Mr. Petty stated it is a valid point that before we proceed all past due invoices be paid.  The ball is in the court of the HOA.  We can ask them to pay the bill and adopt a budget.

            Mr. Rosenof stated no formal bill has been presented.

            Mr. Petty stated Mr. Laystrom said he would pay upon receiving those estimates.  We have not submitted bills to the HOA because they were submitted to their representative Mr. Laystrom who said he would execute the payment.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated we submitted the invoices we received from Mr. Doody and Mr. Craven to him.  We have not submitted an invoice from the District which is probably the legal entity he needs to pay.

            Mr. Doody stated with all due respect to the HOA, they need to have a show of good faith and an ability to perform.

            Ms. Yousefi stated we have not received any bills or invoices to know what the costs are.

            Mr. Petty stated the next step is to ask the HOA to prepare a budget to tell us what we have to work with to see if it is something we can complete with that amount.

            Mr. Rosenof asked is it not the other way around?

            Mr. Petty responded no, then we will have to expend time to do an estimate which will require more work and more bills.  If they tell us how much they have to spend we can tell them how far we can get with those funds.  They can then say by resolution of the HOA or whatever format they adopt they are committed to expending those funds for this matter with the District.

            Mr. Brewer stated Mr. Doody and Mr. Craven must inform the Board how much time it will take them and whether we can move forward or if not, what needs to be done to move forward with this project.

            Mr. Craven stated access is primary and we need documentation that we can utilize the right of way and research the permit process.  I do not know if there will be environmental problems.

            Mr. Doody stated I do not think there will be a problem getting access from Florida Power & Light but we must find out.

            Mr. Craven stated we need a bonafide agreement with Florida Power & Light and we must find out who owns the 15 feet.

            Mr. Brewer asked why is everything from where we are stopping to north of the Sawgrass being done by the City of Coral Springs but they could not go south and do this?

            Mr. Petty responded the City of Coral Springs owns that property and are taking care of it as expeditiously as they can.  This is not their property.  It is HOA property and they cannot enter privately owned property to remove it.  The City does not own any property past that line and it is why they had to stop.

            Mr. Rosenof asked would they not take it and give us more room to reconstruct if the 15 foot exists lying west of the 35 foot homeowner’s piece and we file for an abandonment?

            Mr. Craven responded absolutely.

            Mr. Rosenof stated we are asking the HOA to do the preliminary work, i.e. find out about the 15 feet, get current on payments and obtain a written agreement as the future costs are recovered.  Are we in agreement to move forward if these three tasks are achieved?


On MOTION by Ms. Ribotsky seconded by Ms. Benckenstein with all in favor requesting the HOA to research ownership of the 15 foot easement, reimburse the District for expenditures incurred to date and prepare a written agreement for the recovery of future costs was approved.



FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Discussion of Management Services Proposals

            Mr. Petty stated the attorney was handling this issue.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated according to page 14 of the January 5, 2006 minutes the District Manager was going to submit a letter of interest to the attorney.

            Mr. Petty stated I will follow up.

            Mr. Rosenof stated this item is tabled until the next meeting.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Discussion of Pine Tree Tax Bill/Assessments – Under/Over Collection

            Mr. Petty stated the Board requested we resolve the question of whether it is a per unit or a per acre assessment and concerns the assessments done this year were going to cause sharp falls in the budgets.  Resolution 2005-5 adopted the methodology and it is a per acre assessment.  Section 2 stated “That a maintenance assessment in the sum of $81.39 per acre is hereby levied upon each tract or parcel of land within the Pine Tree Water Control District.”  The confusion is the Board’s understanding it is a per parcel but it is on a per acre per parcel.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated we were told by Julie it was supposed to be by parcel.

            Mr. Petty stated it is by parcel but there is a per acre per parcel component to it.

            Mr. Brewer asked what does this mean?

            Mr. Petty responded if you have a fraction of an acre you will pay a fraction of the $81.39.

            Mr. Brewer asked is the $81.39 pro rated on a per acre basis?

            Mr. Petty responded yes, it is for every taxable parcel within the District.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated my invoice is correct.

            Mr. Petty stated most water or drainage districts in the state are done on a per acre basis because it is your land which has benefited and the amount of land which has benefited.

            Mr. Rosenof asked is everything correct on our budget?

            Mr. Petty responded yes.

            Mr. Rosenof asked how often do we check to see how many taxable acres are in the District?

            Mr. Petty responded every year the property appraiser is required to give us the amount.

            Mr. Brewer stated in the resolution it is worded 2,150.30 assessable units.

            Mr. Petty stated it is assessable units which is folios.

            Mr. Rosenof stated next year we should change the wording to parcels.

            Mr. Brewer asked do the 2,150 units translate into acres?

            Mr. Petty responded no.  The formula is $81.39 times every taxable acre within the District.

            Mr. Rosenof asked how many taxable acres are within the District?

            Mr. Doody responded the whereas clause is correct, it can be parcels or units. This is the basic formula and what the property appraiser gives to the manager’s office is the number of acres that has not been carried over to the resolution.  We can do that this coming year.

            Mr. Rosenof asked what does the 2,150 represent?

            Mr. Petty stated I did not check to see if it was acres, homes, lots or folio numbers.  In my mind it was the folios but I did not verify this.

            Mr. Rosenof stated meaning a folio can be five acres or point five acres.  There are 2,150 folios which may represent 5,000 acres.

            Mr. Petty stated correct.

            Mr. Craven stated I would like a definite answer to what the tax assessment is looking at the taxable acres within the limits of Pine Tree.

            Mr. Rosenof stated it should show in the budget distinctly.

            Mr. Craven stated we should have a gross tax of $160,000.

            Mr. Petty stated on page two of the budget there is taxable units which is acres as 2,137.62 for this fiscal year.  That was in the budget preparation when you actually do the assessments and is why you see the difference between $81.39 and $81.87 and is based on the number the property appraiser gave us at that time under certified rule.  We take the amount of the budget and divide it by the number of acres and come up with a per acre figure.  We look at only taxable acres and then we fill in the blanks on the folio list we get from the property appraiser and submit it to the revenue collector.

            Mr. Rosenof asked when do we do this?

            Mr. Petty responded we begin the budget process in May.

            Mr. Rosenof stated we will review this again when the budget process begins.

            Mr. Petty stated we will provide the Board with the spreadsheet so you can see the calculations.

            Mr. Rosenof stated members of the Board live in the Parkland area and instead of alternating between the Coral Springs and Parkland meeting locations I suggest we meet at this location in Parkland each month.  Are there any objections and can we legally do this?

            Mr. Petty responded from a management standpoint we advertised the meetings at alternate locations every other month.  This was adopted by the Board and advertised.  If a new meeting schedule was advertised to hold those meeting at this location we would re advertise at an additional cost.

            Mr. Rosenof asked how far ahead do you advertise?

            Mr. Petty responded we typically do one year at a time.

            Mr. Rosenof asked is it for the calendar or fiscal year?

            Mr. Petty responded the fiscal year.

            Mr. Rosenof stated we can review it again in October to avoid spending additional advertising costs.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                              Staff Reports

A.                 Attorney

            There being no report, the next item followed.


B.                 Engineer

            Mr. Craven stated due to hurricane damage the District had three major areas where FEMA marked trees which posed a problem.  One area of major concern was the north side of the Sawgrass and all the debris will be removed by the state. Another area is the road right of way and canal banks north of Butler Farms to the Sawgrass which the City of Coral Springs decided they own.  The other one is Winner Circle which is an access problem more than physical problem.  The District has never maintained a master map which delineates our right of ways or easements.  I suggest as a long range plan we prepare a map which delineates where we have responsibility for the drainage activities.  Once this is established we need to work with the cities in question because most of our problems as far as debris being scattered into our canals from storms is coming from private property.  We need to work with other municipalities to see this is prevented and not taken care of after a storm.  Some of these trees should have been removed prior to the storm according to codes.


C.                 Manager

            Mr. Petty stated we have trees down and residents who are concerned.  We have met with the City Manager of Parkland on the issue.  The easement we have is a line through water and we have all the trees over the water and being able to go over to the bank and do bank reshaping may be an issue.  We have limited time to apply for any available federal funds for the removal of debris over the canal.  The NRCS is the agency we apply to.  We do not go to FEMA unless NRCS is out of funds.  They have a time frame for submitting claims which is less than a week.  We spoke to the City Manager regarding ownership and private property and the City of Parkland is willing to do their fair share.  We have debris over canals and not in the water itself so there is not a direct threat of clogging.  The District does have an obligation to proceed with removal in a timely fashion.  We must make sure we have our due diligence and application in with NRCS to receive any funds available to us. The fallen trees in Winner Circle have done damage to the canal bank and our concern is the dirt falling away from the bank can fill up the flow way.  We have an obligation to provide drainage in this community to the best of our ability and if this includes removing these impediments I think we can do so.  If it is an area the city owns next to us, Parkland has given us assurance they will work with us in these areas.  The engineer has a valid point.  We need to define the District’s canals, easements, properties and its responsibilities.  I suggest the Board consider removing the trees by putting together a submittal in the parliaments of NRCS which is a division of the Department of Agriculture to meet the deadline.

            Mr. Craven stated I did not attend meetings with NRCS or FEMA but it is my understanding they require the location of all the trees needing removal and photographs as evidence and certification the sites have been cleared after completion.

            Mr. Petty stated if the District embarks on the project of debris removal you do so at a risk to the District without any guarantees from the Federal Government about pay back.  The cities have all understood this in their debris removal after the hurricane.  The policies are in effect for a 75% payment from NRCS if you apply and are accepted.   There is an additional 12 1/2 percent from the State of Florida anticipated but not guaranteed.  The Districts exposure is approximately 12 1/2 percent.  It is for removal of debris from property the District owns or from easements you have.  If debris is removed from property you do not own it does not qualify for compensation.  Depending on the actions of your contractor when on site he may see fit to remove debris which may qualify by half.  It may be an expense to the District.  The application process with NRCS with our sister districts is being handled by their engineering firm and Mr. Craven may require their assistance for application submittal in a timely manner.  We ask the Board to give Mr. Craven direction to work with the sister district’s engineering firm to proceed with the NRCS application submittal.

            Ms. Ribotsky stated this is necessary because if it is not done within the next week we run the risk of performing the work and paying 100%.  This cost will go back to the tax payers.

            Mr. Petty stated you will be getting a work authorization from your engineer relating to this job.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Supervisor’s Request and Audience Comments

Mr. Rosenof stated there will be a state of the union address for the Pine Tree District and I need a one page report stating what Pine Tree Water Control District is doing; what the tax assessment is going towards and what is being done about hurricane damage from Mr. Petty

An audience member asked will additional funds be budgeted for future hurricane damage?

Ms. Ribotsky responded it will be addressed during the next budget preparation period.

Mr. Petty stated three areas we looked at are; increase the assessments and build a reserve, come up with a financing policy so funds are available with a letter of credit to produce those funds for an emergency reaction and have a pro active solution.  This District is different because it has flow way easements which do not have banks to clear.  I do not know if you can do the pro active part but certainly the financing mechanisms can be considered.

            Mr. Rosenof stated we look forward to your input to implement these suggestions.

EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS               Approval of Invoices

            There not being any, the next item followed.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Adjournment

            There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.





Paul Brewer                                                                 David Rosenof

Secretary                                                                      President



·        Agenda Item - Discussion of Management Service Proposals