A workshop of the Board of Supervisors of the Pine Tree Water Control District was held on Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at Parkland City Hall, 6600 North University Drive, Parkland, Florida.




            David Rosenof                                            President

            Margaret Bertolami                                     Vice President

            Paul Brewer                                               Secretary

            Donna Benckenstein                                   Assistant Secretary

            Mark Weissman                                         Supervisor

            John Petty                                                  Manager

            Julie Carr                                                    Attorney

            Warren Craven                                           Engineer

            Randy Frederick                                         Field Superintendent

            Rich Michaud                                             City of Coral Springs Director of Public Works

            John McKune                                             District Staff

            Several Residents


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Roll Call

            Mr. Rosenof called the workshop to order and Mr. Petty called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Presentation by Mr. D.J. Doody on District Responsibilities of Ownership, Title, Rights-of-Way and Easements

            Ms. Carr stated Mr. Doody’s position is we cannot give you an opinion on what your responsibilities are as to any area owned by the District because we have not received the legal descriptions in order to do the title work.  There is also nothing to explain on the rights and titles of specific properties within your jurisdiction in regards to whether or not the title has been vested, until this work is completed.

            Mr. Rosenof asked what is the first step?

            Ms. Carr responded to obtain a copy of the legal description.

            Mr. Rosenof asked from whom?

            Ms. Carr responded CH2M-Hill is surveying the work and they can provide us with legal descriptions of the boundaries for each area.  Then we can perform the title work to make sure the title is properly vested within the District in the areas we believe we have ownership.  We can determine whether or not there are the appropriate easements and where they need to be.  Before we proceed, I presume you authorized for this work to be performed and now we need authorization to perform the appropriate title work.

            Mr. Rosenof stated I do not think we authorized any specific survey work.  We are looking for a priority list of where the most troublesome areas are. 

            Mr. Craven stated the first step is obtaining bona fide recorded plats of all subdivisions within the District for review to see what the dedications and easements show.  Once we receive the plats and tabulate them, we can address specific areas where we have problems.

            Mr. Rosenof asked do you think it is better to prioritize first?

            Mr. Craven responded no.  We should obtain the recorded plats first because it will not cost a great deal of money and we should have them in our records.  Then we should go through them and make a determination of what the priorities are.  We can make a list of the needed plats and let the District acquire them.

            Mr. Brewer asked is there an existing master map of the District?

            Mr. Rosenof responded no.

            Mr. Brewer asked is there a map showing our rights-of-way?

            Mr. Craven responded a year ago when we first talked about this, I met with Keith & Schnars who were working on a mapping project for the roadways and canals.  They were amenable to providing us some basic information.  I will contact them to see what they have.  In the meantime, I will coordinate with Mr. Brewer to make a list of the plats we need to acquire.

            Mr. Rosenof asked what do you mean by acquire?

            Mr. Craven responded obtain a copy of.

            Mr. Rosenof asked is this something District staff can do?

            Mr. Craven responded I think so.

            Mr. Rosenof stated we will set this as our task to be completed by next month.

            Mr. Brewer stated I do not know whether this can be completed in a month. 

            Mr. Craven stated it will take at least two months.

            Mr. Petty stated the workshops were supposed to cover basic areas such as engineering and what counsel is going to need before they give you an opinion of where we have proper control of the assets.  There will be a budget workshop at the next meeting.  We are currently obtaining proposals because even though the base map may be fairly inexpensive and we can fit it in, taking a look at the project as a whole is something the Board needs to consider.  However, we may not be able to do this immediately due to lack of funds and it may be something we need to budget for in the next fiscal year.  Most of our funds are covered for the outstanding contract; tree removal.  Until we receive reimbursement money from NRCS and finalize the contract, we do not want to use the same funds twice.

            Mr. Rosenof stated I understand but to reiterate why we are where we are, during Hurricane Wilma we had a hard time doing our jobs because we did not know who owned what.  We need to get beyond this so we can do what we need to.  I am looking for your project management skills to help move this along.  Whatever we need to do as a Board to help you do your job, we will do.  I do not want to be caught with another storm and having to sit around this table saying why we could not clean the canal. 

            Mr. Petty stated we have clear direction from staff on the direction the Board wishes to go in.  At the next meeting after we go over the budget, I am sure we can set the time frame and calendar of action.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Other Business

            Ms. Carr stated we were not aware of this item being discussed at the workshop meeting, until receipt of the agenda.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Weissman seconded by Mr. Brewer with all in favor the workshop was adjourned.






Paul Brewer                                                                 David Rosenof

Secretary                                                                      President

Notes for Pine Tree WCD March 1, 2007 Workshop


Agenda Items for Next Meeting


              Budget Workshop